Warmer weather has finally arrived. And for many so has Spring Fever. Staring out the window, thinking of something other than work is a universal theme in offices around the country this time of year. You may not be the only professional day-dreaming about playing hooky from work. But now more than ever is the time to get focused and concentrate on the tasks at hand. (more…)
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Health And Wellness
Spring Clean your Mind
Spring into Action and Get Moving at Work
Last week I talked about how spring had sprung and now was the time to get back on track at the office. That means refocusing efforts and paying attention to the right priorities for your firm. And while setting goals and managing key deliverables is critical for business success, it is just as important to set personal goals – especially as it relates to physical health. (more…)
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The Wellness Blend

For thousands of years, human beings have focused on wellness of the mind, body and spirit. In fact, according to MedicineWorld.org, the science of holistic healing dates back at least 5,000 years and was originated in India and China. The holistic “healers” of the day promoted the idea of healthy living which by their definition meant to be live in harmony with nature. Socrates, the great philosopher, suggested we should take the body as a whole and not part by part. The goal was and still is, to create a sense of balance for the whole self. (more…)
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Is Your Glass Half Full or Half Empty?

In America we talk about the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. Happiness for some seems easy. While for others, happiness may seem allusive or always a little bit out of reach. Happy people are often described as having a “glass is half full” mentality meaning they appreciate and value what they have versus focusing on what they do not have.
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