Dilip Barot, Founder Creative Choice Homes, shares how to protect yourself from frivolous lawsuits
At Creative Choice Homes I have provided affordable housing for thousands of residents in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida as well as across the US and abroad, specifically at Infocity in India. Being a property owner or MDU landlord is a unique role and can be extremely rewarding to real estate professionals like myself. But like any job, being a landlord comes with responsibility and some key expectations set by your tenants. Below you will find some of the basic responsibilities of the landlord. This list can help serve as a checklist to hold yourself accountable but more importantly help protect yourself from frivolous lawsuits. Yes, lawsuits. Many residents are looking for a quick fix, an easy out or even a scapegoat. You need to be smart and protect yourself. Focus on these items as a priority and it will help create a positive environment for your tenants and a stress free work environment for you!
SAFETY: First, as the landlord, you are responsible for maintaining a safe environment. No matter what structure a person or family decides to reside in (apartment, single family home, mobile home, cabin etc.) everyone wants to feel like their home is a safe haven. This means the landlord should ensure all doors and windows are properly secured and have appropriate working locks. You should always change the locks when a tenant moves in or out. Never give out keys to the tenant’s apartment. You should also not allow unsupervised repairmen inside a tenant’s apartment. This is a common practice but also a potential big mistake, as it opens the door to claims of robbery, assault or vandalism.
Tenants also need to feel safe outside of the building. Keeping areas well lit and free from hazards like unstable handrails, exposed cables/wires or broken steps, will keep your tenants safe and healthy.
A tenant expects their home to be quiet. You should clearly define a strict quiet-hours policy in your property that all tenants must consent to – for example: no loud noises, music or otherwise, after 10pm.
A tenant expects their home to be clean. Don’t worry. You are not expected to wash a tenant’s dishes or pick their clothes up off the floor. But, as a landlord, you do have certain responsibilities to maintain the property as a whole.
Trash should be removed regularly to avoid attracting unwanted critters. Common areas should be cared for and maintained. In places like Florida where Creative Choice Group resides, or in Texas where our ETech Global Solutions team is located, treating for insects is important too. Hiring a professional to prevent roaches, bedbugs, ants and others is needed and expected.
A tenant pays rent to reside in your property. It is your duty to respond to requests for repairs in a reasonable amount of time. The severity of the repair should warrant how quickly you should respond. Set realistic expectations for types of maintenance… i.e. the heater goes out in the winter should warrant immediate response. However a running toilet may be something that can wait a day or two.
Being a landlord takes time and commitment. Being a great landlord requires that you meet the basic expectations of your tenants on a consistent basis. Not only will it keep you out of trouble but it will make your property more desirable, more profitable and if you are really great, you will be swatting off the interested tenants like flies!