As a continuation from the first article on principles to drive effective collaborations, here are five more tips to strengthen your foundation.
1) Manage difficult trade-offs: Not everything works out as intended, not only in life but also in business. You need to have a provision of making compromises where necessary. These trade-offs may not be easy but will make all the difference in the way your organization collaborates.
Knowing when to make the trade-offs requires the leader to be informed and empowered because these decisions will change the course of the business. The good news is...
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Ten Principles to Drive Effective Collaborations – Part 2
Ten Principles to Drive Effective Collaboration – Part 1
As companies become bigger and customers demand more from them. rapid growth poses a new challenge for seamless service delivery. This is where collaboration comes into the picture. Collaboration can be defined as two or more people working together to create or achieve the same thing and we often think of it as an activity stream where information passes from one department to another.
If you are only looking at this process from this angle however, you may expose your enterprise to the inherent risks of information overload and misinformation, which will eventually affect people outside t...
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4 Extreme Leadership Success Tips
A majority of people aspire to be leaders and every leader aspires to be successful, but it is not always a smooth ride to the top. At times you will experience success beyond your wildest dreams, and at other times you will encounter challenges that will make you want to quit. The highs and lows of business may call for extreme leadership.
Extreme leadership is synonymous to extreme sport. Extreme sports are activities perceived to have a high level of inherent danger. These activities involve speed, height, an elevated level of physical exertion and specialized gear. Steve Farber explains...
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Develop Your Employees for a Strong Company
You are as good as your successor. Real leadership is about empowering your team to lead as you do, or even better. Your commitment to foster employee development determines your company growth.
Develop your employees on a daily basis; do not wait for the monthly or bi-monthly staff training. I believe this is an investment that yields fruits in the short and long term because employees will perform better as you lead, and will then lead well after your exit. (more…)
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